Saturday, August 6, 2011

Taurus 709 slim

The Taurus pt709 slim is a really neat little 9 mm pistol that is easy to carry and easy to conceal. It is comarable insize to a lot of other small 9 mm altos out there, like the kahr pm9 or walther pps. What I really like about the Taurus thought is that it really seems to be a quality firearm for a reasonable price, and IMHO is one of the best values for a concealed carry 9mm out there. I purchased one of these for my wife and was impressed enough with it that I bought one for myself when I got the chance. You can pick one up for around $350-$400 at most gun shops and maybe a little less at a gun show. The pistol itself has a 3.2 " barrell and weighs only 19 oz. It has a black polymer frame and a black stainless steel slide. It has low profile sights and is relatively snag free. The trigger is glocklike and is surrounded by a large trigger guard so it is still easy to fire with shooting gloves on. The 709 breaks down like a glock also. It is very easy to disassemble and clean. I've noticed that I rend to shoot very low with this gun ( but it seems I do with all my small pistols). It's mostly matter of grip and sight picture with me and if I don't change guns a lot during a firing session I can adjust and get on target pretty quickly. Once I get acquainted with my grip and sight picture the accuracy of this gun a really impressive for such a small piece. It is fun to shoot and the recoil is very slight, you could shoot this all day with very little hand fatigue. I've yet to have any kind of misfire or failure to feed so I believe it's a pretty reliable gun( so far).I must say that for the price (or even at double the price) I'm pretty impressed with it. Anyone else enjoy/hate this gun? Any issues? I've not heard many bad things about the 709 so let me know if bad ( or good ) experiences.

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